
2015-11-20 23:25:00    becryo    289    原创
摘要:近日,KDONAr-3500/2000/100Y型空分设备从上海港顺利发货,运往土耳其现场,其中大型设备采用裸装方式发运,小型设备采用木箱封装,集装箱发运。 Recently, KDONAr-3500/2000/100Y type air separation equipment was successfully shipped from Shanghai port to Turkey, of which large equipment was shipped in bare packaging, small equipment was packaged in wooden cases and shipped in containers.


Recently, KDONAr-3500/2000/100Y type air separation equipment was successfully shipped from Shanghai port to Turkey, of which large equipment was shipped in bare packaging, small equipment was packaged in wooden cases and shipped in containers.
