
2015-08-02 23:02:00




    据了解,在当天活动中,省政府与中广核集团签署的战略合作协议中,投资11亿元的生物质车用天然气项目将在我市工业新区建设。投资64.13亿元的邯港高速衡水至黄骅港段项目纳入省政府与中国交建签署的战略合作协议之中。(记者张洪宁 通讯员郭无瑕)

It was learned from Hengshui Municipal Development and Reform Commission that in the activities of "Promoting the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei · Central Enterprises into Hebei" held in Hebei Province recently, Hengshui City signed a strategic cooperation agreement with National Machinery Group Zhongheng Energy Investment Co., LTD., which marks that the large-scale central enterprise National Machinery Group cold energy equipment R & D and manufacturing and clean energy project officially settled in Hengshui City. Hengshui will lead and drive the rapid and healthy economic development.

National Machinery Group is a large central enterprise group with the widest coverage, the most complete business chain and the strongest research and development ability in China's machinery industry, and is also a top 500 enterprise in the world. National Machinery Group Zhongheng Energy Investment Co., Ltd. was established by National Machinery Group Hollow Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. and Zaoqiang Fumin Gas Company. National Machinery Group Hollow Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. is a national high-end energy equipment and air separation equipment production and research enterprise integrating design, research and development, core equipment manufacturing, project contracting, investment and service. It is a major energy equipment and air separation equipment manufacturing enterprise cultivated by the National Development and Reform Commission, and undertakes major national energy equipment research and development tasks. The company leads the development of the industry with science and technology, gathers a large number of top management, research and development, sales and manufacturing talents in the industry, and has advanced process packages and the core technology of large-scale cryogenic equipment engineering design and manufacturing.

According to the agreement, the total investment of the project is 2.08 billion yuan and the investment in fixed assets is 1.875 billion yuan, of which the investment in the first phase is 1.88 billion yuan and the investment in fixed assets is 1.815 billion yuan. With an annual output of 700,000 tons of liquefied natural gas, the company has a production and assembly capacity of 400,000-3.5 million tons/year of natural gas liquefaction units and 20,000-180,000 cubic meters of low-temperature atmospheric pressure liquefied natural gas storage tank equipment. The project is planned to be located at the exit of Daguang Expressway in the west of Zaoqiang County, with a planned area of 997.5 acres. Construction is expected to be completed in November 2017 and officially put into production. At present, the preliminary procedures of the project have been completed, the wholly-owned company has been established, the detailed plan of the project has been modified and improved by the group headquarters for many times, and the project site is carrying out infrastructure construction such as road network. After the project is put into operation, it can achieve annual sales revenue of 3.632 billion yuan, profit of 360 million yuan and tax of 250 million yuan. The project is a peaking LNG (clean energy) and cold energy equipment production base of National Machinery Group in the north, which can improve the security of gas consumption in Hengshui region, and has far-reaching significance for the implementation of China's strategic policy of energy security and the construction of a harmonious society.

It is understood that in the day's activities, the provincial government and China General Nuclear Power Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement, an investment of 1.1 billion yuan biomass automotive natural gas project will be built in the city's industrial new area. The 6.413 billion yuan Hangang Expressway Hengshui to Huanghua Port section project was included in the strategic cooperation agreement signed by the provincial government and China Communications Construction. (Reporter Zhang Hongning Correspondent Guo Mwang)

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